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Chlorofluorocarbons generally abbreviated as CFCs are a group of organic chemicals used in several household and industrial materials and are responsible for global warming and ozone depletion.
Global warming is the general increase in the atmospheric temperature of the earth continually over the years. It is a direct consequence of climate change which is caused by the continuous release of green house gases into the atmosphere which trap radiated heat from the sun.
Ozone depletion involves anthropogenic activities which lead to decreasing the natural spread of the ozone layer which prevents the direct contact between the sun UV radiation and the earth.
CFCs are implicated in both cases as they are responsible for the two I.e they cause global warming and also deplete the ozone layer. Years back they are basically used in most aerosol cans like perfumes spray, insecticide spray etc. However as a result of the increased knowledge of their dangers, there had been legislations which had cut down on their continuous usage with alternatives being used
Generally (but far from universally), the elements within a group have similar characteristics. Antimony, nitrogen, and arsenic are all part of the same group as phosphorous (the pnictogens, or group 5A). Oxygen is not in this group, but rather in an adjacent group (the chalcogens, or group 6A). Thus, the answer here should be oxygen.
That said, there can be very significant differences in characteristics among the elements within a group, and that is certainly the case here. For example, free nitrogen exists predominantly as a molecular gas (N₂) and makes up about 78% of the atmosphere we breathe. Elemental arsenic (As), while in the same group as nitrogen, is naturally found in the solid state and is poisonous to humans (arsenic is sometimes included among the toxic heavy metals, although it’s technically a metalloid).
They do not have any sensing organs. They can't see, smell or move on their own. They rely on random motions from their host to move around.
Please, observe that it is not right to say that a substance content heat.
Heat is not something that a body or substance content. Heat is the transmission of energy due to difference of temperatures.
An endothermic reactions is that where the reactants abosorb energy from the surroundings to occur. The products, then, will be higher in energy than the reactants while the surroundings get colder.