independent variables are variables in mathematical modeling, statistical modeling and experimental science
The engine would be warm to touch, and the exhaust gases would be at ambient temperature. The engine would not vibrate nor make any noise. None of the fuel entering the engine would go unused.
In this ideal engine, none of these events would happen due to the nature of the efficiency.
We can define efficiency as the ratio between the used energy and the potential generable energy in the fuel.
n=W, total/(E, available).
However, in real engines the energy generated in the combustion of the fuel transforms into heat (which heates the exhost gases, and the engine therefore transfering some of this heat to the environment). Also, there are some mechanical energy loss due to vibrations and sound, which are also energy that comes from the fuel combustion.
except ii and iii
The angle of reflection is the angle to the normal the white rays strikes the water surface and it is the incidence angle. Since the white light is moving from less dense medium to a denser medium or a medium with a higher refractive index; the angle of refraction will be less than 30 degrees. Total internal reflection cannot occur because the white light is traveling from a less dense medium to a denser medium.
Some examples of things that stick together include clothes after they were in the dryer because a charge builds up on the objects, causing them to attract to each other. Things that don't stick together may include two neutral objects, like two pieces of neutral paper. ... If they repel, then they are the same charge.