The correct option is C.
Finance charge on credit card refers to the interest you pay for borrowing money when you are using a credit card. It is the interest you are charged on the debts you owe and sometimes it might include other charges such as penalty fees for late payment. Individual finance charge is usually calculated using the the person APR [Annual Percentage Rate], amount of debt owe and the time period been considered. The higher your debts, the higher your finance charge.
1. DNA copying mistakes made during cell division, exposure to ionizing radiation, exposure to chemicals called mutagens, or infection by viruses.
2. both
Explanation: Since errors can occur when DNA replicates itself, mutations can occur in both asexually and sexually reproducing organisms.
prevent becoz crop rotation means using it by planting the crop according to nuetrients so ur soil is prevented
answer is gold
bcz gold is having a property of malleable so it can be drawn into thin sheets
The other substance containing sodium would be expected to make the cushion is NaClO or the Sodium hypochlorite. It is for all intents and purposes and synthetically particular from chlorine. Sodium hypochlorite is much of the time utilized as a disinfectant or a blanching operator.