An increase
The strong southerly winds affect the vapor pressure by increasing it .
When the vapor pressure increases it means an increase in temperature and more evaporation occurs.
A decrease in the vapor pressure means a reduction in temperature with less amount of evaporation being involved
All rocks are connected in a cycle of creation, change, and destruction called the Rock Cycle. The rock cycle begins with molten rock (magma below ground, lava above ground), which cools and hardens to form igneous rock.
Hope this helps!
ahora tenemos que mirar cada una de las configuraciones electrónicas de cada átomo de cerca antes de tomar una decisión.
considerando la configuración electrónica más externa de cada una de las especies mostradas;
para la primera configuración, ns2 np6 corresponde a un gas noble.
para la segunda configuración ns2 np3 corresponde a un elemento no metálico del grupo 5.
para la tercera configuración, ns2 corresponde a un elemento metálico del grupo 2.
para la cuarta configuración, ns2 np4 corresponde a un elemento no metálico del grupo 6
Explanation :
As we know that the Gibbs free energy is not only function of temperature and pressure but also amount of each substance in the system.

is the amount of component 1 and 2 in the system.
Partial molar Gibbs free energy : The partial derivative of Gibbs free energy with respect to amount of component (i) of a mixture when other variable
are kept constant are known as partial molar Gibbs free energy of
For a substance in a mixture, the chemical potential
is defined as the partial molar Gibbs free energy.
The expression will be:

T = temperature
P = pressure
is the amount of component 'i' and 'j' in the system.