A. amount of precipitation, average temperature
Precipitation and average temperature are factors that climate includes. These factors are determined by other factors such as location of an area(like how far a place is from large bodies of water like the sea), ocean currents, lattitude (distance from the equator), winds (prevailing winds) , topography (such as mountains) and the like.
Yes. Parts of a cell work together just like stations in a factory.
The supplements that are minerals are</h3>
- calcium
- sodium
- iron
- zinc
<u><em> Explanation</em></u>
- calcium and sodium are major minerals which are required by the body for
calcium- needed for muscle,hearing bone and for the support of synthesis and function of cells
sodium- is needed to control blood pressure and also for proper muscle and nerve function
- Zinc and iron are required in trace and both are needed for good health