All of the above
firstly, a creep can be explained as the gradual deformation of a material over a time period. This occurs at a fixed load with the temperature the same or more than the recrystallization temperature.
Once the material gets loaded, the instantaneous creep would start off and it is close to electric strain. in the primary creep area, the rate of the strain falls as the material hardens. in the secondary area, a balance between the hardening and recrystallization occurs. The material would get to be fractured hen recrstallization happens. As temperature is raised the recrystallization gets to be more.
A wastewater plant discharges a treated effluent (w) with a flow rate of 1.1 m^3/s, 50 mg/L BOD5 and 2 mg/L DO into a river (s) with a flow rate of 8.7 m^3/s, 6 mg/L BOD5 and 8.3 mg/L DO. Both streams are at 20°C. After mixing, the river is 3 meters deep and flowing at a velocity of 0.50 m/s. DOsat for this river is 9.0 mg/L. The deoxygenation constant is kd= 0.20 d^-1 and The reaction rate constant k at 20 °C is 0.27 d^-1.
The answer therefore would be the number 0.27 divided by two and then square while getting the square you would make it a binomial.
I wont give the answer but the steps
Your Welcome
For SGID you type this
$ find . -perm /4000
For SUID you type this
$ find . -perm /2000
Auxiliary file permissions, that are commonly referred to as “special permissions” in Linux are needed in order to easily find files which have SUID (Setuid) and SGID (Setgid) set.
After typing
$ find directory -perm /permissions
Then type the commands in the attachment below to obtain a list of these files with SGID and SUID.
C is your answers!!!!!$3&2)//
a)Are generally associated with factor.
We know that losses are two types
1.Major loss :Due to friction of pipe surface
2.Minor loss :Due to change in the direction of flow
As we know that when any hindrance is produced during the flow of fluid then it leads to generate the energy losses.If flow is along uniform diameter pipe then there will not be any loss but if any valve and fitting placed is the path of fluid flow due to this direction of fluid flow changes and it produce losses in the energy.
Lot' of experimental data tell us that loss in the energy due to valve and fitting are generally associated with K factor.These losses are given as