Carbon and oxygen to form carbon
Experiments suggest that organic molecules could have been synthesized in the atmosphere of early Earth and rained down into the oceans. RNA and DNA molecules — the genetic material for all life — are just long chains of simple nucleotides. Replicating molecules evolved and began to undergo natural selection.
Density increases with the temperature, true.
See explanation
The ability of a gas to function as a green house gas depends on its ability to absorb infra red rays. In turn, the absorption of infrared red rays depends on whether or not the molecule is IR active.
The triatomic molecules such as methane and water are IR active. Only IR active molecules can lead to green house effect.
Note that for a molecular vibrational mode to be IR active, the dipole moment of the molecule is changed as the vibration occurs .
Yes it can!!
Hydrogen peroxide mixed with sodium is known as oxygen bleach. Add water and the compound releases an oxygen molecule to help it lift mold and stains from the surface of natural materials.