It will determine the volume of an irregular object like a rock.
Commonly available heat-storage materials cannot usually store the energy for a prolonged period. If a solid material could conserve the accumulated thermal energy, then its heat-storage application potential is considerably widened. Here we report a phase transition material that can conserve the latent heat energy in a wide temperature range, T<530 K and release the heat energy on the application of pressure. This material is stripe-type lambda-trititanium pentoxide, λ-Ti3O5, which exhibits a solid–solid phase transition to beta-trititanium pentoxide, β-Ti3O5. The pressure for conversion is extremely small, only 600 bar (60 MPa) at ambient temperature, and the accumulated heat energy is surprisingly large (230 kJ L−1). Conversely, the pressure-produced beta-trititanium pentoxide transforms to lambda-trititanium pentoxide by heat, light or electric current. That is, the present system exhibits pressure-and-heat, pressure-and-light and pressure-and-current reversible phase transitions. The material may be useful for heat storage, as well as in sensor and switching memory device applications.
All of the above
Their all chemical change
Avocados can be a healthy source of nutrients
So what you’re going to do is basically the + and - in each top hand corner is the charge of compound, so for example Li has a charge of +1 while Br has a charge of -1 , to write the formula you need to get the charges to cancel out ( equal zero) so luckily this was easy because -1 +1 =0 ! So it would be LiBr. Though for another example Al has a charge of 3+ while br has a charge of -1 and these do not equal zero, so as a result you have to add more br making the Formula AlBr3! Hope this helps!