A I did the exam and I saw A sorry if it is wrong dont have the best of memory
Water, H2O, is a pure substance, a compound made of hydrogen and oxygen. Although water is the most abundant substance on earth, it is rarely found naturally in its pure form. Most of the time, pure water has to be created. Pure water is called distilled water or deionized water.
A. releases a large amount of heat
A reaction is said to be spontaneous if it can proceed on its own without the addition of external energy. A spontaneous reaction is not determined by the length of time, because some spontaneous reactions are completed after a long period of time. They are exothermic in nature. An example is the conversion of graphite to carbon which takes a long period of time to complete. Spontaneous reactions are known to increase entropy in a system. Entropy is the rate of disorder in a system.
In the combustion of fire, energy is released to the surroundings as there is a decrease in energy. This is an example of a spontaneous reaction because it is an exothermic reaction, which causes an increase in entropy and a decrease in energy.
En el caso del sodio, la valencia es 1, ya que tiene un solo electrón de valencia, si pierde un electrón se queda con el último nivel completo.
Grupo de la tabla periódica Electrones de valencia
Grupo 14 (IV) (Grupo del carbono) 4
Grupo 15 (V) (Grupo del nitrógeno ) 5
Experiments to determine mechanisms involve looking at indirect evidence to help support or disprove a proposed mechanism.
Most intermediates are not typically isolated to determine reaction mechanisms.
Carbocations are very reactive and are typically not isolated for analysis.
Scientists can prove that a specific mechanism exists.
Evidence of intermediates sometimes can be seen using techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
The study of reaction mechanism and chemical kinetics often form the main thrust of study in organic, inorganic and physical chemistry.
We often want to know the actual processes involved in the conversion of one specie to another. Unfortunately, this information may have to be obtained indirectly by certain chemical reactions or by the use of new instrumental methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Many organic reactions have carbocation intermediates. These carbocations are relatively short-lived and are transient intermediates which are rarely isolated unless they are isolated in a molecular cage using a macromolecule or in superacids.
By intensive study, scientists can proof or disprove the authenticity of any proposed mechanism.
We must know that a transition state has partial bonds. It is often an extremely short-lived specie which cannot be isolated.