To measure the strength of an earthquake, you can use either a Richter scale or Mercalli scale. Richter scale uses the amplitued of the wave and the distance from the source. Mercalli scale uses observations of people and is not considered to be scientific as Richter scale.
3.59 m/s
The average velocity is defined as:

The turtle first walks 18m south, and then is taken 1,1Km (or 1100m) north. Thus, the total displacement is 1082m north (1100m north - 18m south).
Now we have to calculate the total time, which will be equal to the sum of the time the turtle walked and the time it was taken by truck.
The walking time is 3.5 minutes. Since 1 minute = 60 seconds, then the walking time is 210 seconds.
To calculate the truck time we use the equation:
Time = 
Where the distance the truck travelled is 1100m and the speed of the truck is 12m/s.
Truck time=
= 91.67s
The total time is the sum of the walking time and the truck time.
Total time = 210s + 91.67s = 301.67s.
As mencioned previously, the average velocity is equal to total displacement/ total time, thus:
Average velocity =
= 3.59 m/s North
Since the average velocity is a vector, it has a magnitude and a direction. In this case the magnitude is 3.59 m/s and the direction is north since the turtle's final displacement is north of where it started.
Assuming that the vectors are acting along the same axis, we
could just simply add or subtract the vectors. Since the F1 is greater than F2,
there would be motion, there would be acceleration, and that the direction of
motion is along the F1.
Hello! You can call me Emac or Eric.
I understand your problem, that question is pretty hard. But I found some information that I think you should read. This can get your problem done quickly.
Please hit that thank you button if that helped, I don’t want thank you’s I just want to know that this helped.
Please reply if this doesn’t help, I will try my best to gather more information or a answer.
Here is some good information that could help you out a lot!
Let’s begin by exploring some techniques astronomers use to study how galaxies are born and change over cosmic time. Suppose you wanted to understand how adult humans got to be the way they are. If you were very dedicated and patient, you could actually observe a sample of babies from birth, following them through childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood, and making basic measurements such as their heights, weights, and the proportional sizes of different parts of their bodies to understand how they change over time.
Unfortunately, we have no such possibility for understanding how galaxies grow and change over time: in a human lifetime—or even over the entire history of human civilization—individual galaxies change hardly at all. We need other tools than just patiently observing single galaxies in order to study and understand those long, slow changes.
We do, however, have one remarkable asset in studying galactic evolution. As we have seen, the universe itself is a kind of time machine that permits us to observe remote galaxies as they were long ago. For the closest galaxies, like the Andromeda galaxy, the time the light takes to reach us is on the order of a few hundred thousand to a few million years. Typically not much changes over times that short—individual stars in the galaxy may be born or die, but the overall structure and appearance of the galaxy will remain the same. But we have observed galaxies so far away that we are seeing them as they were when the light left them more than 10 billion years ago.
That is some information, I do have more if you need some! Thanks!
Have a great rest of your day/night! :)
Brainly Team.
Kinetic Energy.
The movement of a roller coaster is accomplished by the conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy. The roller coaster cars gain potential energy as they are pulled to the top of the first hill. As the cars descend the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.