The force that holds two magnets together is the ONLY non-example of gravitational force. Except for the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, the electrostatic force, the tidal force, the US Air Force, the force of destiny, the force of faith, the strength of one's convictions, and a few million other non-examples.
A non-example of force would be something that stay sill like a balloon in the air..... taste, smell, feel, texture, color, opinion, faith, hope, sincerity, honest, speed, momentum, altitude, volume, loudness, area, length, acidity, obesity, nationalism, current, resistance, viscosity, wavelength, flow, rate, frequency, albedo, diameter, age, temperature, acceleration, body mass index, salinity, specific, specific gravity, consciousness, intelligence, refraction index, mass, time, date rate, switching speed, libido, focal length, and latency are not force. And even there are many other things that also are not force, too.