The force that holds two magnets together is the ONLY non-example of gravitational force. Except for the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, the electrostatic force, the tidal force, the US Air Force, the force of destiny, the force of faith, the strength of one's convictions, and a few million other non-examples.
A non-example of force would be something that stay sill like a balloon in the air..... taste, smell, feel, texture, color, opinion, faith, hope, sincerity, honest, speed, momentum, altitude, volume, loudness, area, length, acidity, obesity, nationalism, current, resistance, viscosity, wavelength, flow, rate, frequency, albedo, diameter, age, temperature, acceleration, body mass index, salinity, specific, specific gravity, consciousness, intelligence, refraction index, mass, time, date rate, switching speed, libido, focal length, and latency are not force. And even there are many other things that also are not force, too.
First you do the first parenthesis, (1.08 x 10 - 3) and you do it in the order of operations! (parenthesis, exponents, multiplication/division, add/subtract) to get 7.8. Then you take the second parenthesis (9.3 x 10 - 4) and do the same thing to get 89! You then times 7.8 by 89 to get 694.2! If it needs more elaboration just ask ^.^
Approximately , assuming that the volume of these two charged objects is negligible.
Assume that the dimensions of these two charged objects is much smaller than the distance between them. Hence, Coulomb's Law would give a good estimate of the electrostatic force between these two objects regardless of their exact shapes.
Let and denote the magnitude of two point charges (where the volume of both charged object is negligible.) In this question, and .
Let denote the distance between these two point charges. In this question, .
Let denote the Coulomb constant. In standard units, .
By Coulomb's Law, the magnitude of electrostatic force (electric force) between these two point charges would be: