angular speed of both the children will be same
Rate of revolution of the merry go round is given as
f = 4.04 rev/min
so here we have

here we know that angular frequency is given as

now this is the angular speed of the disc and this speed will remain same for all points lying on the disc
Angular speed do not depends on the distance from the center but it will be same for all positions of the disc
The basic relationship between frequency and wavelength for light (which is an electromagnetic wave) is

where c is the speed of light, f the frequency and

the wavelength of the wave.


, we can find the value of the frequency:
c. hot material must be rising from the Sun's hotter interior
Granulation is the grainy appearance of the solar photosphere produced by the top of the convection cells in the sun.
The grainy appearance are produced by granules on the photosphere of the sun and granules are caused by convection currents of plasma within the sun's convection zone.
The interior of these granules are brighter (and thus hotter) than the exterior of the granules which are darker.
<u>So, the granulation pattern that astronomers have observed on the surface of the Sun tells us that hot material must be rising from the Sun's hotter interior.</u>
Most electric charge is carried by the electrons and protons within an atom. Conversely, two protons repel each other, as do two electrons. Advertisement. Protons and electrons create electric fields, which exert a force called the Coulomb force, which radiates outward in all directions.