The electrode that removes ions from solution
Each electrochemical cell consists of an anode and a cathode. Oxidation occurs at the anode and reduction occurs at the cathode.
At the anode, ions move from the electrode into the solution while at the cathode ions move from the solution to the electrode.
At the cathode, metal ions accept electron(s) and become deposited on the electrode hence this electrode removes ions from solution. This is reduction.
The element which can not loose electron easily and having electronagtive character is called non-metal it has following property-
1. it can not conduct heat and electricity
2. it is netiher ductile not malleable
3. it is not lsuturous and also not sonorous
A lot of them.
It would take hundreds of thousands of trees to clear all of the emmisions.
A lone oxygen atom has 6 electrons in its outer shell which is not very stable, whereas as full octet (8 outer shell electrons) is stable. In order to achieve this two oxygen atoms will share 4 electrons, each contributing 2 electrons. Since these electrons exist within the orbitals of both atoms, to oxygen atoms essentially achieve a full octet.
only observing chemical property will change its identity