Relative age-dating involves comparing a rock layer or rock structure with other near-by layers or structures. Using the principles of superposition and cross-cutting relationships, and structures such as unconformities, one can determine the order of geological events.
A speed cause it would slow down meeting eachother
The answer is. It did not meet the three criteria the IAU uses to define a full-sized planet.
1. It is in orbit around the Sun
2. It has sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic equilibrium
3. It has 'cleared the neighborhood' around its orbit
Pluto has not 'cleared its neighborhood'
The North Pole would be your answer
Putting your partner first means his or her needs, feelings, and wellbeing take priority over other people or things. A “sense of we” forms as you maintain this priority on purpose each day. You protect your relationship from being destroyed or damaged. You tend to your connection so it feels good to you b