(a) Relative Humidity = 48%,
Specific humidity = 0.0095
(b) Enthalpy = 65 KJ/Kg of dry sir
Specific volume = 0.86 m^3/Kg of dry air
(c/d) 12.78 degree C
(e) Specific volume = 0.86 m^3/Kg of dry air
as soon as there is a design to improve
As a design engineer, I started on the "design improvement" step as soon as I had an initial conceptual design.
Then, I started that step again when my boss told me, "make it better."
The more interesting question is, "when do you <em>stop</em> the design improvement step?" (Judging by the constant barrage of software updates, that answer is, "never.")
a) A suspended floor is a ground floor with a void underneath the structure. The floor can be formed in various ways, using timber joists, precast concrete panels, block and beam system or cast in-situ with reinforced concrete. However, the floor structure is supported by external and internal walls.
b) Soil exploration consists of determining the profile of the natural soil deposits at the site, taking the soil samples and determining the engineering properties of soils using laboratory tests as well as in-situ testing methods
c) Bulking in sand Occurs When dry sand interacts with the atmospheric moisture. Presence of moisture content forms a thin layer around sand particles. This layer generates the force which makes particles to move aside to each other. This results in the increase of the volume of sand.
d) In a nutshell, bearing capacity is the capacity of soil to support the loads that are applied to the ground above. It depends primarily on the type of soil, its shear strength and its density. It also depends on the depth of embedment of the load – the deeper it is founded, the greater the bearing capacity.
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The answer is "828.75"
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For W21x93 BEAM,

For A992 STREL,

Check for complete section:

Design the strength of beam =

The heat input from the combustion phase is 2000 watts.
The energy efficiency of the heat engine (
), no unit, is defined by this formula:
- Heat input, in watts.
- Power output, in watts.
If we know that
, then the heat input from the combustion phase is:

The heat input from the combustion phase is 2000 watts.