function summedValue = SummationWithLoop(userNum)
% Summation of all values from 1 to userNum
summedValue = 0;
i = 0;
% use a while loop that assigns summedValue with the
% sum of all values from 1 to userNum
while(i <= userNum)
summedValue = summedValue + i;
i = i + 1;
hot reservoir = 1100 K
cold reservoir = 500 K
<em>This is a Carnot system</em>
For a Carnot system, maximum efficicency of the system is given as
Eff = 1 -
where Tc = temperature of cold reservoir = 500K
Th = temperature of hot reservoir = 1100 K
Eff = 1 -
Eff = 1 - 0.45 = 0.55 or<em> 55%</em>
The main purpose was for power. The vessel has come to symbolize Sweden's Great Power Period, when the nation became a major European power and controlled much of the Baltic.
Electroosmotic velocity will be equal to
We have given applied voltage v = 100 volt
Length of capillary L = 5 mm = 0.005 m
Zeta potential of the capillary surface
Dielectric constant of glass is between 5 to 10 here we are taking dielectric constant as
Viscosity of glass is
Electroosmotic velocity is given as
So Electroosmotic velocity will be equal to