PH stands for "Potential Hydrogen" and the PH scale ranges from 0-14. PH refers to the ability to attract hydrogen ions.
The PH of a solution either indicates acidity of the solution or alkalinity of the solution. A solution which has PH 7 above is a base solution where a solution with PH less than 7 is an acidic solution.
In this problem Al metal is a limiting reactant as it is present in less amount as compared to chlorine gas, Hence, controls the formation of ALCl3. So, the amount of AlCl3 produced is 40.05 grams. Solution is as follow,
Elements need a total of eight electrons to gain stability and look like a noble gas. So, they sometimes need sharing of two, four or even six electrons to complete their octate. So, they form double and triple covalent bonds. One more the reason is the interaction between the p orbitals of the combining atoms. for example A double bond, as in ethene H2C=CH2, arises from one combination of the s orbitals and one combination of the p_y orbitals.
The answer is below
Sulfuric acid is used for various purposes, some of which include the following:
1. It is used in the production of various manufactured goods.
2. It is used in the manufacturing of chemicals
3. It is also used in the making of fertilizer
4. It is used in the refining process of petroleum products
5. It is used in the processing of metals