(a) Yes, he should be worried. The Fatal accident rate (FAR) is too high according to standars of the industry. This chemical plant has a FAR of 167, where in average chemical plants the FAR is about 4.
(b) FAR=167 and Death poer person per year = 0.0033 deaths/year.
(c) The expected number of fatalities on a average chemical plant are one in 12500 years.
Asumming 50 weeks of work, with 40 hours/week, we have 2000 work hours a year.
In 300 years we have 600,000 hours.
With these estimations, we have (1/600,000)=1.67*10^(-6) deaths/hour.
If we have 2000 work hours a year, it is expected 0.0033 deaths/year.

The Fatal accident rate (FAR) can be expressed as the expected number of fatalities in 100 millions hours (10^(8) hours).
In these case we have calculated 1.67*10^(-6) deaths/hour, so we can estimate FAR as:

A FAR of 167 is very high compared to the typical chemical plants (FAR=4), so the worker has reasons to be worried.
If we assume FAR=4, as in an average chemical plant, we expect

This is equivalent to say

The expected number of fatalities on a average chemical plant are one in 12500 years.