Never store used oil in anything other than tanks and storage containers. Used oil may also be stored in units that are permitted to store regulated hazardous waste. Tanks and containers storing used oil do not need to be RCRA permitted, however, as long as they are labeled and in good condition.
28.9 g
We know that we will need a balanced equation with masses, moles, and molar masses of the compounds involved.
<em>Gather all the information in one place</em> with molar masses above the formulas and masses below them.
: 159.69 28.01
Fe₂O₃ + 3CO ⟶ 2Fe + 3CO₂
Mass/g: 55.0
1. Use the molar mass of Fe₂O₃ to calculate the moles of Fe₂O₃.
2. Use the molar ratio of CO:Fe₂O₃ to calculate the moles of CO.
3.Use the molar mass of CO to calculate the mass of CO.
<h2>134km = 13400000cm</h2><h2>35g = 35000000ug</h2><h2>0.65mmol = 0.00065mol</h2>
Ok heres what i know, one of the reasons why visible light will pass through glass but not through other materials is because the molecules in glass require more energy than average to push electrons from one level to another. Photons in visible light simply do not have enough energy. Only photons of light with shorter wavelengths, such as those that make up ultraviolet light, have the ability to change the electrons in glass. This is why ultraviolet light is unable to pass through glass. Lol im in 6th grade this is all i know ! :)
I'm a bit confused on where the question is. Perhaps re-write it in the comments? I'd love to help but this seems more like an answer than a question xD