Barium, Beryllium, Radium, and Calcium.
All four metal elements (Ba, Be, Ra, and Ca) are found in group 2 of a modern periodic table. By periodicity, they have similar chemical properties.
Shared properties likely include:
- Softness. With only two valence electrons per atom, the four elements form weak metallic bonds. Their pure forms are thus easy to shape and cut.
- High reactivity. Group 2 "alkaline-earth" metals are only two electrons away from ideal gas electron configurations. They lose electrons more readily than most transition metals such as iron and copper do. Group 2 metals tarnish easily in the earth atmosphere, and reacts readily with water to produce hydrogen and a base- hence the name "alkaline."
La respuesta está en la explicación
Los átomos que no poseen ___<em>CARGA</em>____ son conocidos como ____<em>ÁTOMOS</em>____ ____<em>NEUTROS</em>_____. Los átomos que poseen carga se denominan ___<em>IONES</em>____, aquellos con carga positiva de llaman ____<em>PROTONES</em>____ y son aquellos que __<em>PIERDEN</em>__ electrones. Los ______<em>ANIONES</em>____ son aquellos con carga negativa y son los que _____<em>GANAN</em>___ electrones. Para todos los casos el valor de _<em>MASA</em>__ y _<em>NÚMERO ATÓMICO</em>_ permanecen iguales y son los que sacamos de la tabla periódica.
red supergiants is the answer
The third shell has 3 subshells: the subshell, which has 1 orbital with 2 electrons, the subshell, which has 3 orbitals with 6 electrons, and the subshell, which has 5 orbitals with 10 electrons, for a total of 9 orbitals and 18 electrons.