This is because, Kelvins and Celcius degrees both agree at fixed points i.e; the lower fixed point and upper
spherical form of drops, crystal growth, absorption, osmosis, colligative properties, diffusion, adsorption, hemosorption.
The correct answer to the following question will be "Particles".
- A particle seems to be a little component of something, it's little. When you're talking about a subatomic particle, that would be a structured user likely won't see because it's quite unbelievably thin, but it has a tiny mass as well as structural integrity. Such particles seem to be tinier than that of the particles or atoms.
- Such that the light which shines on the bit of metal could dissipate electrons, the particles seem to be more compatible with the light.
<span>H2CO3 <---> H+ + HCO3-
NaHCO3 <---> Na+ + HCO3-
When acid is added in the buffer, the excess H+ of that acid reacts with HCO3- to form H2CO3, and due to this NaHCO3 dissociates into HCO3- to attain the equilibrium. and hence there is no net effect of H+ due to pH remain almost constant.
when a base is added to the buffer, the OH- ion of base react eith H+ ion present in buffer, then to attain equilibrium of H+ ion, the H2CO3 dissociates to produce H+ ion, but now there is the excess of HCO3- due to which Na+ ion react with them to attain equilibrium of HCO3-. hence there is again no net change in H+ ion due to which pH remain constant.....</span>