The planet with the longest year is neptune because it is the furthest away from the sun
Compare them accordingly with the formula of E=hc/wavelength
C. liquid to solid i hope this helps
See explanation and image attached
This reaction is known as mercuric ion catalyzed hydration of alkynes.
The first step in the reaction is attack of the mercuric ion on the carbon-carbon triple bond, a bridged intermediate is formed. This bridged intermediate is attacked by water molecule to give an organomercury enol. This undergoes keto-enol tautomerism, proton transfer to the keto group yields an oxonium ion, loss of the mercuric ion now gives equilibrium keto and enol forms of the compound. The keto form is favoured over the enol form.
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1. 2)
2. 3)
3. 4) Sr
4. 3)
5. 4)
6. 2)
7. 1)
8. 4)
9. 3)
10. 3)
11. SO3, H2SO4, Na2SO4
A) оксид меди (II) 2) CuO
Б) хлорид меди(II) 4) CuCl2
В) сульфит меди (II) 3) CuSO 3
Г) гидроксид меди (II) 1) Cu(OH)2
1. Fe+HCl= б) FeCl 2 +H 2
2.Fe+O2= в) Fe 3 O 4
3. Fe(OH) 3 = г)Fe 2 O 3 +H 2O
4. FeCl 2 +NaOH= а) Fe(OH) 2 +NaCl
14. 2Ca + O2 = 2CaO
CaO + H2O = Ca(OH)2
Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + 2H2O