60 days, tell me if I'm correct please.
There are six main components, or parts, of weather. They are <u>temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity, precipitation, and cloudiness</u>. Together, these components describe the weather at any given time. These changing components, along with the knowledge of atmospheric processes, help meteorologists—scientists who study weather—forecast what the weather will be in the near future.
a transverse (sort of a plot of a sine or cosine graph, basically)
b longitudinal
c Electromagnetic (an electric wave and a magnetic wave travelling together at right angles to each other)
The answer is A
Here's an example. A child is in school taking a test. They have made a mistake on a question, and want to erase it. The eraser is made out of a type of rubber, the rubber has friction, which means the eraser has something that's going to resist movement. Now the child has exerted enough force to get it moving, and it's moving, it won't stop unless the child stops exerting force to keep it moving. Both Newton's 1st and 3rd law explain the action of moving something on a surface with friction.