Watchglass is a lab equipment that is used as a cover to prevent heated materials from splattering out of the container and as a holding plate for hot or flammable materials
Watch glass is an equipment used as a cover to prevent heated materials from splattering out of the container and as a holding plate for hot or flammable materials. It is a kind of concave glass which is also used to evaporate a liquid and also provides good air circulation which is used during cooking. The name watchglass was derived as they are see through and so similar to pocket glasses.
The Virtual Laboratory is an interactive environment for creating and conducting simulated experiments: a playground for experimentation. It consists of domain-dependent simulation programs, experimental units called objects that encompass data files, tools that operate on these objects
Magma forms by partial melting of upper mantle and crust. Partial melt means that only a fraction of the available material forms a melt, and that the remainder stays solid. The partial melt rises because of its lower density and ascends through he crust.