The right answer is keep social exchanges proactive and with intent.
What are Social exchanges ?
- Social exchange Proposition proposes that social behavior is the result of an exchange process.
- The reason for this exchange is to increase benefits and less costs.
- According to this proposition, people weigh the implicit benefits and pitfalls of their social connections. When the pitfalls overweigh the prices, they will terminate or abandon the relationship.
Most connections are made up of a certain quantum of give- and- take, but this doesn't mean that they're always equal.
Social exchange suggests that it's the valuing of the benefits and costs of each relationship that determine whether or not we choose to continue a social association.
Melina manages a platoon that's all remote. She wants to unite with her platoon to design and make a culture when working. So the suggestion to her and her team is to keep social exchanges proactive and with intent.
Learn more about Social exchanges here:
Final consumers
The goal of channels of distribution is to move products from producers to final consumers, that is, by bridging the gap between the producer and the consumer by bringing the product or service to the final buyer or consumer. Products and services may go through channel members known as intermediaries which include wholesalers, retailers, distributors.
Answer: The answer is personnel manager,Top level management such as Directors, Marketing manager, Safety officer
Induction is the process of introducing the new employees into the organization. During the induction process the new employees are acquainted with the policies, practices and general objectives of the organization. Induction is done with a view to generate the personal interest of the new employees in the organization and also to create the employees enthusiasm for the job and to ensure the employees loyalty to the organization. It involves the explanation of the issues such as history of the organization, products and services, General policies and practices, benefits such as insurance ,retirement and vacation, safety regulation .The following officers are likely to play a role in the induction of new employee
Personnel manager for personnel matters such as the benefits that will accrue to such employees such as insurance, retirement benefit and vacation benefits
Marketing manager to handle products and services offer to the target market by the organization
Top level management such as directors to handle matters such as Organization history and General policies and practices
Safety officer to handle matter such as the safety precaution to be taken by the new employees while doing their job