Explanation:Energy is the capacity of a physical system to perform work. Energy exists in several forms such as heat , kinetic or mechanical energy, light, potential energy , electrical, or other forms. Energy is the ability to do work. Energy sources could be classified as Renewable and Non-renewable.
A space-filling model shows the relative amount of space each atom takes up. In other words, a space-filling model can show relative sizes of atoms. However, unlike ball-and-stick or structural models, space-filling models do not show bond lengths clearly. Bonds are not really like sticks in a ball-and-stick model.
La palabra bicarbonato es un término químico para referirse a una sal ácida del ácido carbónico en combinación con un metal. ... Pero si sólo está sustituido un átomo de hidrógeno por el metal, entonces obtenemos un bicarbonato o carbonato ácido, por ejemplo, bicarbonato sódico: CO3H Na.