Intensive properties do not depend on the quantity of matter. Examples include density, state of matter, and temperature. Extensive properties do depend on sample size. Examples include volume, mass, and size.
The correct matches are:
1. Exosphere - Temperatures reach as high as 2000 C yet it feels very cold
This is the top layer of the atmosphere. The atoms are so dispersed that despite it having very high temperature it doesn't feel like it at all.
2. Thermosphere - Particles that have enough energy can escape into space
The thermosphere is the fourth highest layer of the atmosphere. The atoms in this layer are relatively distant from one another, so the particles that have enough energy manage to escape easily into the exosphere and then the space.
3. Mesosphere - It is the coldest region of the atmosphere
The mesosphere is the third highest layer. In this layer the temperatures constantly drop, and they go down to -85 degrees, making it the coldest layer by far.
4. Stratosphere - Ninety percent ozone is in this layer
The startosphere has a separte zone in it which is dominated by only one gas, the ozone. It is called the ozone layer, the one that protects the Earth from too intense UV radiation, and in fact over 90% of this gas is locate here.
5. Troposphere - It is warm due to the heat from Earth's surface
The troposphere is the densest and lowest of the layers. It is the one that also has Greenhouse gases which manage to trap the heat that is radiated from the surface of the Earth, thus keeping this layer relatively warm.
26.981539 u
Atomic number: 13
Symbol: Al
Electron configuration: [Ne] 3s²3p¹
Use the question marck Moles of CO2
The the giving = 0.624 mol O2
Find the CF faction = 1 mole= 32.00 of O2
O= 2x16.00= 32.00amu ( writte this in the cf fraction)
Always start with the giving
0.624 mol O2 / 1mol of CO2
___________ / _____________ = Cancel the queal ( O2)
/ 32.00c O2
Multiply the top and divide by the bottom
0.624 mol CO x 1mol CO2 = 0.624 divide by 32.00 O2 =0.0195
You should look at the giving number ( how many num u gor ever there)
Ur answer should have the same # as ur givin so
= 0.0195
= .0195 mol of CO2