According to the chart, the period and string length are not the same. Regardless of string length. The chart says that "period = seconds 10"
So for example in Trial 1. The period equaled 8.7, so in turn you would times 8.7 by 10 and get 87. Which is not equal to the string length. For they are also measured in two different measurements.
Pokémon is it that's the anwser
Fusing helium into heavier elements requires extreme pressure and temperature. However red dwarfs' gravity is simply not enough to bring helium atom close enough to each other for fusion to occur. Therefore, red dwarfs not able to fuse helium to heavier elements.☺
Answer: Hợp chất CTHH 0 °C 10 °C 20 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 70 °C
Actini(III) hydroxide Ac(OH)3 0,0022
Amonia NH3 1176 900 702 565 428 333 188
Amoni azua NH4N3 16 25,3 37,1
View 42 more rows
Answer: The maximum wavelength of light for which a carbon-chlorine Single bond could be broken by absorbing a single photon is 354 nm
The relation between energy and wavelength of light is given by Planck's equation, which is:
E = energy of the light =
N= avogadro's number
h = Planck's constant
c = speed of light
= wavelength of light

Thus the maximum wavelength is 354 nm