Multiply the numerator and denominator of the first question by 2 in order for both of the denominators to be the same.
Now that the denominators are the same, we can simply add the numerators and simplify if possible.
(2/6)+(1/6)= (3/6)
(3/6)= (1/2)
Final answer: 1/2
0.3 feet
Step-by-step explanation:
3.8 - 3.5 = 0.3 feet
Study 1 Answers:
1) 0.76 represents the multiplier of the bacteria, in this case it is decreasing by 24% because the formula for exponential decay is 1 - r.
2) 1290 represents the initial value, or before the study began.
Study 2 Answers:
1) 1180 is the initial value, or before the study began.
2) Study 1 started with more bacteria
3) Study 1 is experiencing exponential decay, while study 2 is experiencing exponential growth
Step-by-step explanation:
Exponential functions are in the form
, where a is the initial value, b is the multiplier, and x represents inputs, such as hours after a bacteria study.
Any multiplier above 1.00 is experiencing exponential growth, meaning it grows gradually over time, and any multiplier below 1.00 is experiencing exponential decay, meaning it decreases in population over time.