1. No 1 looks like a statement and not a question.
2.Ionic compounds are usually formed from the transfer of electrons from metals to Non metals. All others are Ionic compounds except HCl(Its a covalent compound).
3. The Formula would be K2S. Exchange of Radicals takes place. Sulphur has a -2 charge and potassium has a +1 charge. when they both exchange radicals... The compound is K2S.
4.Group 1 elements have only 1 electron in their outermost shell.
5. its charge will be +1 because it loses the 1 electron in its outermost shell.
6.Group 2 elements have 2electrons in their Valence shell.
7.Already answered. same as No 5.
8. Group 16;Also known as group 6. They have only 6 electrons in their outermost shell.
9.When they want to become stable... they acquire 2electrons to complete their octet... so they possess a -2 charge by forming an ion.
10. i)They form ions when Dissolve in solutions
ii) They are hard and brittle
iii) They have high boiling points
Glucose, found in the food animals eat, is broken down during the process of cellular respiration into an energy source called ATP. When excess ATP and glucose are present, the liver converts them into a molecule called glycogen, which is stored for later use.
A. Ernest Rutherford
C. Eugen Goldstein
D.. Santiago Ramon y cajal
E.john Dalton
F.isobars - a line drawn on a weather map connecting points of equal pressure is called isobars.
example.. argon 40
potassium 40
.two differences between isobars and isotopes.
isobars are those elements which have different atomic number but the same mass number. while isotopes are those elements having the same atomic number and different mass number..
two uses of isotopes.
uranium 235 - for nuclear fission and as fuel in unclear reactors.
# an isotope cobalt - used In the treatment for cancer
# an isotope iodine - used in treatment of goiter.