Mostly glass, cement and ceramic are made from sand which comes from silicate .
(Correct me if I am wrong,)
C) They each form similar compounds when combined with oxygen.
The given elements have a common characteristics as they each form similar compounds when combined with oxygen.
Beryllium, magnesium and calcium all are located in the alkaline earth group.
Elements in the same group have the same chemical properties.
- Density and melting point are physical properties of matter which varies down a group on the periodic table.
- Their reaction with oxygen denotes a statement of their chemical properties.
- Chemical properties of matter is a function of their valency.
- Group two elements have a valency of two. They have two electrons in their outermost shell.
- Therefore, they all form ionic bonds when they react with oxygen.
learn more:
Periodic table
Aretes and horns
Aretes and horns are the landforms that are created where cirques meet. These landforms are products of glacier erosion in most temperate and polar regions.
- Cirques are common products of alpine glacier erosion.
- They arise in form of bowl shaped hollows on the side of a mountain.
- These hollows joins to form a U-shaped valley called Aretes and unique pointed arcs known as horns.
Learn more:
factors that affects erosion
treating food with gamma rays kills microorganism by damaging their DNA, the energy
of gamma rays rips off electrons from atoms hence ionizing them (causing free radicals).
However, gamma rays do not make the food atoms radioactive. The body has a natural
mechanism of riding the body of free radicals. However, large quantities of radicals in the body can cause