c: connection between the brain and behavior
The geosphere is considered that portion of the Earth system that includes the Earth's interior, rocks and minerals, landforms and the processes that shape the Earth's surface. The Earth itself (contrary to Christopher Columbus) is not a perfect sphere.
The type of government Malaysia has is a federal constitutional monarchy. Malaysia is undergoing democratization because the people of Malaysia had a election and elected a prime minister, which means it is a democracy because people are allowed to vote.
An elliptical galaxy is one type of galaxy that has, or tends to have, an ellipsoidal shape and a smooth featureless image. For example, the IC 1101, one of the largest galaxies in the observable universe, has that shape. As the exercise details, they are often found near the centers of rich clusters of galaxies and are believed to have been formed by devouring many smaller galaxies over the lifetime of the cluster.
Answer: I think it's C.
Explanation: In online, a consumer is one who buys things just like in the real world. We represent ourselves through purchases we make online. Companies tend to tailer their advertising based on purchases made.