Answer: The solid turns into liquid during melting.
a. The process of a solid turning into liquid is called melting. The solid ice turns into a liquid during the melting process. The solid molecules gain energy and flow as a liquid.
b. The energy of the molecules increases in the liquid state. When the ice turns into a liquid the energy of the molecules increases. The application of heat or excess temperature increases the energy of the molecules.
Ag has atomic number 47 = 47 protons and 47 electrons. mass number is 108, neutrons = 108 - 47 protons = 61 neutrons.
John Dalton was the first scientist
Ph 2 will ahve more strength due to the fact that its more acidic compared to pH 5.
the lower the number of a pH, the more it is heading towards being acidic, but the higher the number, the more it heads towards being an alkali. here is a ppt i made along time ago. hope it can help you . have a nice day
The mass was there all along, it was just in the air. The weight of the oxygen from the air is not weighed in the beginning, only at the end as part of the product, making it seem like there is a total mass change.