Answer b protons and electrons
Answer:Force is to the right
Explanation: because the right side has 75N compared to the 25N on the left.
Atomic structure contains electrons, protons and neutrons.
Electron is very light compared to proton and neutrons.
Given that the mass of an electron is
A) equal to the mass of a proton
B) less than the mass of a neutron
C) greater than the mass of a proton
D) equal to the mass of a neutron
The correct answer is B which is less than the mass of the neurons.
The comparison of the forces in a small nucleus to the forces of a large one is the fact that they are capable of holding the protons and neutrons which made it no matter what their size may be. Therefore, as long as there is a nucleus, their forces can both hold together the two atoms tight.
I don't quite know what you're asking so I'll just go on a rant :) Wegener created and supported the continental drift theory, which stated that all of the continents once formed a super continent called Pangea. No one at the time believed in the theory though so he spent the rest of his life trying to find evidence to prove it. However, after he died scientists began to find information that supported his theory. When scientists began to study Earth's surface and the layers below, the theory of the tectonic plates was formed. This theory stated that Earth's crust, the lithosphere, was divided into twelve moving plates. This theory did in fact prove that Wegener's theory was correct. Another theory that proved Wegener's theory to be true was the process of Sea Floor Spreading. This theory stated that at divergent plate boundaries, new ocean floor was being created and the old was being pushed away from the boundary, the old sea floor would then be pushed to deep sea trenches created by convergent plate boundaries and essentially recycled back into the Earth. I hope this helped, sorry it is so long :)