Their lungs would try to expand to about 4 timed the normal volume which would force air into the various body tissues. this can cause a lung expansion injury and it could case air embolism. Air embolism is when air bubbles get trapped in blood vessels. This can lead to a blockage which will could be fatal.
N(CH₃OH)=3,62·10²⁴/6·10²³ 1/mol = 6,033 mol
m(CH₃OH) = 6,033 mol · 32 g/mol (molar mass) = 193,06 g.
cl has mass number 35 and its atomic number is 17 so number of proton =atomic number 17 and number of neutron is =mass number -number of proton =35-17 =18
I believe that the answer is 12 because there is already 3 O molecules and since its in parentheses with 3 outside it that means that there are 3 of those CO molecules meaning that for every 1 CO there will be 3 O’s so 3, four times Is 12