Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes which are used for digestion of food and dead organelles. It fuses with a vacuole which contain the targeted material(food or dead organelles) and digests the material inside it
There are 60 seconds in one minute
565900 / 60 = 9431.667 minutes in 565,900 seconds
There are 60 minutes in an hour
9431.667 minutes / 60 = 157.9144 hours in 565900 seconds
There are 24 hours in 1 day
157.9144 hours / 24 hours = 6.5498 days.
Most atoms do not have eight electrons in their valence electron shell. Some atoms have only a few electrons in their outer shell, while some atoms lack only one or two electrons to have an octet. In cases where an atom has three or fewer valence electrons, the atom may lose those valence electrons quite easily until what remains is a lower shell that contains an octet. Atoms that lose electrons acquire a positive charge as a result because they are left with fewer negatively charged electrons to balance the positive charges of the protons in the nucleus. Positively charged ions are called cations. Most metals become cations when they make ionic
The dichloromethane (DCM) has less density than water and also the polarity of water is much more than DCM. So the mixture of water and dichloromethane will always be a heterogeneous mixture. In the mixture dichloromethane will be always up of the water layer. The volume of the separatory funnel which contains the mixture of DCM and water must have to be more than the total volume of the liquids thus the volume of the funnel will be more than (50+50) = 100mL.
The caution have to consider during the separation are-
1. The separatory funnel have to shake well with lid and have to settle down for some times until the two liquid separated.
2. The lid should be open very slowly as the vapor pressure of DCM is more and it will float on the water.
3. After this the stopcock should be opened and slowly the water will come out first followed by DCM.