Zeros to the right of the decimal place are not significant UNLESS they are found in between or after a non-zero number, therefore, we take the 3200 away because those ARE significant so then after you round your answer (if needed) you're left with only two numbers that are significant.
Viewing systems from multiple perspectives.
Discovering causes and effects using model tractability.
Improving system understanding through visual analysis.
Got this from google, lol. But, I put three here just in case you could get extra credit for more than two.
Chemical Property
When a substance is changed into another substance, may be due to addition of some other substance or removal of water from that substance.
* its identity changes
*its reactivity changes
*reactivity towards water, air and many other substances will change
*its chemical composition changes
and all these changes occurs due to the chemical properties.
If the physical property changes then there will be change in the state of matter, but its boiling point, melting point , reactivity towards water, air and other substances will not change, and it will not lose its identity.