An example of conductors of heat would be iron pans. a example of electric insulators would be copper, gold and silver. to contrast conductors and insulators, insulators let electricity pass through them while conductors restricts electricity. both conductors and insulators can work with lithium and sodium.
Nerve and muscle function and fluid balance
Displacement = 31 - 16 = +15 m
Liquids state than in the solid state because when it is solid the particals cant move as much than in the liquid state
I think they decrease echo and reduce noise, they do this by either absorbing vibrations or by scattering the sound so that echoes arrive at different times rather than reverberating as a standing wave. An echo is a reflection of a sound that arrives at the listener with a delay after the direct sound. The delay is usually proportional to the distance of the reflecting surface from the source and the listener.