The first step of ether cleavage is the protonation of the ether since ROH is a better leaving group than RO-.
The second step of the reaction may proceed by either SN1 or SN2 mechanism depending on the structure of the ether. Methyl and primary ethers react with HI by SN2 mechanism while tertiary ethers react with HI by SN1 mechanism. Secondary ethers react with HI by a mixture of both mechanisms.
Dipentyl ether is a primary ether hence when treated with HI, the reaction with HI proceeds by SN2 mechanism as explained above.
<h3>it is important to carefully examine chemical reactions because there are many ways substances can be <em><u>reacting</u></em> without a chemical reaction taking place.</h3>
<h3>The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) defines alkanes as "acyclic branched or unbranched hydrocarbons having the general formula CnH2n+2, and therefore consisting entirely of hydrogen atoms and saturated carbon atoms". ... The number of carbon atoms may be considered as the size of the alkane.</h3>
it denotes 6.52× 10⁸ in scientific notation
It is both. It is a mixture because it has two or more things mixed in it. It is a solution, because all of the components and things mixed in the milk are uniform and milk isn't chunky or discolored because of that.
Hope this helps.