We know that Y^3+ has the electronic configuration of;
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 (the 5s and 4d levels are empty).
According to the crystal field theory, the colour of complexes result from transitions between incompletely filled d orbitals.
As a result of this, complexes with empty or completely filled d orbitals are colourless. Thus, [Y(H2O)6]3 is colourless according to the Crystal Field Theory.
calcium ca
We can see here that the only element that is on the same group (column) as Ba (Barium) is Calcium (Ca).
according to shape, size, and their relationship to surrounding layers of rock
Scientists classify intrusive features according to their shape, size and relationship to surrounding layers of rocks.
Intrusive igneous features are the sills, di/kes, batholith, laccoiith, lopolith e.t.c
- When magma cools and solidifies within the earth crust, they form intrusive igneous rocks.
- Intrusive igneous rocks differs from one another in their shape, size and relationship to surrounding rocks.
- For example, batholith is a large intrusive body that extends for several kilometers in the earth surface.
- Sills and di/kes are smaller bodies. Sills forms parallel to orientation of rocks in an area. Di/kes are known to cut across the orientation.
Learn more:
Sedimentary rocks