Redox reaction is the reduction and oxidation reaction. It is a chemical reaction that involves a transfer of electrons. It can mean loss of oxygen (oxidation) or gain of electrons (reduction). Oxydation is the process of where a sustance loses electrons, gains an oxygen atom/s, loses a hydrogen atom/s. reduction is the opposite.
In a redox reaction, one of the reactants must release electrons.
Milk, cream, milk solids, sugars, modifying agents and flavourings are blended together in stainless steel vats.
The mix is homogenised to create a consistent texture.
The mix is pasteurised by heating at 82-85°C for 15 seconds then cooled to destroy bacteria.
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The temperature remains
The temperature of a boiling substance remains the same because the extra energy is used in phase transition, that is to break the bonds between the molecules that hold them close together in the liquid state. With increased energy the molecules gain enough kinetic energy to overcome inter-molecular forces and change state from liquid to gas
<span>Atomic number. In all atoms the distinct properties of that atom are a result of the number of protons that atom is composed of. A carbon atom has six protons, while an iron atom has 26.</span>