The correct answers are as follows:
1. If a car passes a pedestrian, a change in pitch is PERCEIVED BY THE PEDESTRIAN.
The pitch of a sound refers to the quality of sound that makes it to be rated as a low or a high sound. Pitch varies with distance, that is, as one moves closer to a source of sound, the sound pitch increases and as one move away from the source of a sound, the pitch of the sound decreases. In the question given above, a change in pitch of the car sound will be perceived by the pedestrian, this is because, his position is constant relevant to that of the passing car. As the car moves away the sound pitch will decreases.
2. The correct answer is this: SPEED AND DIRECTION AFFECT PITCH.
Doppler effects refers to the increase or decrease in the pitch of a sound as one move towards or away from a sound. This change in sound is due to changes in the frequency of the sound. Speed and direction are two factors that affect the pitch of a sound.