A. a meteor traveling unhindered through space
c. The temperature at which a glass transforms from a solid to liquid.
The glass transition temperature is said to be a temperature range when a polymer structure transition from a glass or hardy(solid) material to a rubber like or viscous liquid material.
The glass transition temperature is an important property that is critical in product design.
1. B
2. B
1. he was the only teacher at that time that figured out that everything doesn't revolve around us. he figured it out by a telscope he made from three lens and a tube. its actually pretty cool. He found out that venus first was in front of us.
2. if the earth wasn't at a tilt, then we wouldn't have sessons, when the earth rotate around the sun, the earth is roataing at a title axis. and that changes our seesons, because if we are in south america, and we are in winter time, and south america is cold, then it means that the continent is not getting as much heat from the sun. Does that makes since, because it doesn't sound like it?
Explanation: Both have shapes determined by gravitational forces.