spherical form of drops, crystal growth, absorption, osmosis, colligative properties, diffusion, adsorption, hemosorption.
Element Atomic Number Valency
Valency of Hydrogen 1 1
Valency of Helium 2 0
Valency of Lithium 3 1
Valency of Beryllium 4 2
Valency of Boron 5 3
Valency of Carbon 6 4
Valency of Nitrogen 7 3
Valency of Oxygen 8 2
Valency of Fluorine 9 1
Valency of Neon 10 0
Valency of Sodium (Na) 11 1
Valency of Magnesium (Mg) 12 2
Valency of Aluminium 13 3
Valency of Silicon 14 4
Valency of Phosphorus 15 3
Valency of Sulphur 16 2
Valency of Chlorine 17 1
Valency of Argon 18 0
Valency of Potassium (K) 19 1
Valency of Calcium 20 2
Valency of Scandium 21 3
Valency of Titanium 22 4
Valency of Vanadium 23 5,4
Valency of Chromium 24 2
Valency of Manganese 25 7, 4, 2
Valency of Iron (Fe) 26 2, 3
Valency of Cobalt 27 3, 2
Valency of Nickel 28 2
Valency of Copper (Cu) 29 2, 1
Valency of Zinc 30 2
Viewing systems from multiple perspectives.
Discovering causes and effects using model tractability.
Improving system understanding through visual analysis.
Got this from google, lol. But, I put three here just in case you could get extra credit for more than two.
See explanation below
In both cases the central atoms, C in CHCl₃ and O in H₂O, are sp³ hybridized .
Since they are sp³ hybridized we predict an angle between the H-C-Cl and H-O-H of 109.5 º ( tetrahedral ), but two of the sp³ orbitals in water are occupied by lone pairs.
These lone pairs do excercise more repulsion ( need more room ) than the bonds oxygen is making with hydrogen.
As a consequence of this repulsion the angles H-O-H are less than the predicted 109.5º in tetrahedra. ( Actually is 104.5 º)