Use protective gear. Use insulated tools, Wear flame resistant clothing, safety glasses, and insulation gloves, Remove watches or other jewelry, Stand on an insulation mat. 03. Never connect the insulation tester to energized conductors or energized equipment and always follow the manufacturer's recommendations. When installing new electrical machinery or equipment, testing insulation resistance is important for two reasons. First, it ensures that the insulation is in adequate condition to begin operation. ... The test is accomplished by applying DC voltage through the de-energized circuit using an insulation tester. Insulation resistance should be approximately one megohm for each 1,000 volts of operating voltage, with a minimum value of one megohm. For example, a motor rated at 2,400 volts should have a minimum insulation resistance of 2.4 megohms.
HIGH from the supply voltage
LOW from ground
The answer depends on the kind of system and the purpose of the signal. But for practical reasons, in a DIGITAL system where 5V is HIGH and 0 V is LOW, 5 volts can be taken from the supply voltage (usually the same as high, BUT must be verified), and the LOW signal from ground.
If the user has a multimeter, it must be set to continuous voltage on 0 to 20 V range. Then place the probe in the ground of the circuit (must be a big copper area). Finally leave one probe in the circuit ground and place the other probe in some test points to identify 5 v.
Answer: I have answered the questions in rephrased sentences as below;
When implementing a safety and health program, management leadership need employee participation. Effective management of worker safety and health programs has improved employee productivity and morale in the workplace.
Nearly a third of all serious occupational injuries and illnesses stem from overexertion of repetitive motion.
Training is a way for employers to provide tools to enable employees to protect themselves and others from injuries.
Under OSHA, employees are protected from discrimination when reporting a work-related injury, illness, or fatality.
Explanation: All personnel including management & employees must be directly involved when workplace HSE policies are being made & reviewed. This is because everyone in the work environment is impacted one way or the other when incidents occur.
Training & Reporting are key responsibilities of managers, employers & supervisors, so it is mandatory to be done without discrimination so as to foster employees happiness which ultimately lead to zero incidents & increased productivity & profit.