Half-wave rectifier converts an AC signal into a DC signal. It's called a half-wave because it only rectify the positive part of an AC signal.
AC Signal = An electrical signal that alternates between positive and negative voltage.
DC Signal = An electrical signal that only has positive voltage.
Rectify = A fancy word for converting something.
Adding a capacitor helps the positive part of the signal stay on longer. This work because the capacitor stores energy kinda like a battery. During the negative part of the AC signal, the energy stored in the capacitor will be drained and used, then the cycle repeats.
The load resistor is just there to prevent a short circuit from happening.
Define Variables and Use List methods to do the following
#<em>Conjoins two lists together</em>
all_names = male_names.union(female_names)
#<em>Finds the names that appear in both lists, just returns those</em>
neutral_names = male_names.intersection(female_names)
#<em>Returns names that are NOT in both lists</em>
specific_names = male_names.symmetric_difference(female_names)
C. underground road
Generally compound curves are not filtered and recommended for use in an underground road. However, they are best used in the road, water way, and rail way.
Option C: water pressure.
Water pressure allows water to reach the top of a building.