move the wire loops closer
because the closer t they are the more concentrated the energy is in that specific area
Radiometric dating?
Also, possibly radiocarbon dating
Sorta stuck between minerals and lips
Minerals; Minerals are, unlike vitamins, inorganic substances. All vitamins are identified as key nutrients: the body cannot produce them and so they must be obtained through diet; minerals are similarly identified as key nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are equally essential for the healthy functioning of the body.
But then there’s lipids
Lipids; Lipids are a group of structurally and functionally diverse organic compounds that are insoluble in water. Certain classes of lipids, such as fats, phospholipids
Hope I helped a little
Young's double slit experiment(YDSE) can be used for any kind of waves such as electromagnetic waves, sound waves, water waves, gravity waves. YDSE is based on interference. In this experiment, we make two waves interfere in order to obtain bright and dark fringes on the screen(in case of light).
You can carry this out with water, would be great if you try this at pond or water reservoir in order to see perfect ripples.
Yes,in fact visible 'light' is a form of radiation, which can be defined as an energy that travels in the form of electromagnetic waves. It can also be described as a flow of particle-like 'wave-packets', called photons, that travel constantly at the speed of light (about 300 000 kilometres per second).