The empirical formula : C₂Cl₇
The molecular formula : C₁₀Cl₃₅
<h3>Further explanation</h3>
8.81 g Carbon
91.2 g Chlorine
Molar Mass: 1362.5 g/mol
The empirical formula and molecular formula
Mol ratio :
C = 8.81 g : 12.011 g/mol =0.733
Cl = 91.2 g : 35,453 g/mol = 2..572
Divide by 0.733
C : Cl = 1 : 3.5 = 2 : 7
The empirical formula : C₂Cl₇
(The empirical formula)n = the molecular formula
(C₂Cl₇)n = 1362.5
n = 5
Increase the Surface Area of the Reactants. Increasing the surface area of the reactants increases the rate of the reaction. More surface area means more collisions of the reactant molecules and an increased rate of the reaction. This occurs when reactants are made to react in powdered form
Apsidal precession—The major axis of Moon's elliptical orbit rotates by one complete revolution once every 8.85 years in the same direction as the Moon's rotation itself.
Because your Teeth are composed of calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals. ... But bones are still not as strong as teeth. The hardest part of the human body ,teeth mostly consist of a calcified tissue called dentine. The tooth's dentine tissue is covered in enamel, that hard, shiny layer that you brush.