The wavelenght of a radiation is inversely proportional to its frequency. It can be estimated by the following formula:
is the wavelenght
is the frequency
is the speed of light (arroung 300000 km/s)
The science of statistics deals with the collection, storage, manipulation, analyzing, visualizing and interpretation of data. Graphs and tables are very good tools in order to achieve statistical problems. Tables can be used to compare a given data set and present them in a very simple relational way. Graphs are useful for data visualization and their trend is vital in making interpretations.
My main reason would be momentum – it depends on the mass as
well as the speed of the colliding objects. For example if two sedans
travelling in a low speed bump each other, then probably the damage would be
minimal scratches. However, if a high speed car crashes unto a heavy truck also
travelling fast, then the result would be catastrophic.