#1- the percentage is 2.77%
#2 - 218.1336g
#3- 7.89%
#4- 63.8489g
#5- 136.1406g
#6- 340.3515g
#7- 2.387238
Answer: Chemistry is the study of change. Various reasons why to study Chemistry is to appreciate the fundamentals of the world such as the composition of all living thing. We are made up of matter. The interaction of sub atomic particles in an atom to form a single being. Also to understand how certain chemicals are beneficial and harmful in our lives just by reading product labels.
Answer ; The correct answer is : 346 m/s .
Sound is a type of longitudinal wave , which is produced when a matter compress or refracts .
Speed of sounds depends on factors like medium , density , temperature etc .
Effect of Temperature on speed of sounds :
When the temperature increases , molecules gains energy and they starts vibrating and with higher temperature vibration becomes fast . So the waves of sounds can travel faster due to faster vibrations . Hence , speed of sounds is directly proportional to the temperature or speed of sounds increases with increase in temperature .
The speed of sounds at 0⁰C is 331 
The relation between speed of sound and temperature is given as :

Given : Temperature = 25 ⁰ C
Plugging values in formula =>

<span>1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d5</span>